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Planet Indonesia’s Annual Report 2022

This report details Planet Indonesia's new theory of change, the reach and impact the organization have had over 2022, stories from the communities supported, the year's financials and thanks for supporters, plus a preview of what is to come in 2023.

Key points

- 655,000 Hectares protected through community management programs
- 80% reduction in poaching
- 70% reduction in deforestation
- 66% reduction in land conversion
- Smallholder farmers have 56% reduced spending through using organic alternatives
- 29.7% temporary increase in harvest rates for small-scale fisheries
- $155,000 USD total saved in cooperatives to support local regenerative economies
- 493 hectares under improved climate-smart agricultural practices
- 51 million tons of carbon sequestered in Gunung Nyiut
- 72 Sustainable businesses supported through regenerative finance initiatives

Suggested citation

Planet Indonesia. (2022). 2022 Annual Report. Pontianak, West Kalimantan: Planet Indonesia. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55032857e4b0a9cec125fe9c/t/64c7b909f4fecb608baf4742/1690810639548/2022+Annual+Report-compressed.pdf


An Annual report of impact and stories on the ground to better understanding how the first year of Planet Indonesia's new strategic plan worked on the ground.
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The term ‘integrated landscape initiative’ (ILI) has gained popularity as an ‘umbrella concept’ that describes projects that aim to explicitly improve food production, biodiversity conservation, and rural livelihoods on a landscape scale.

It describes approaches that consider the entire landscape, including its environmental, social, and economic aspects, by bringing together diverse stakeholders to manage land use in a way that balances competing needs, aiming for sustainable outcomes across the whole system, rather than focusing on isolated issues within the landscape.