How the model works in practice. The evidence in practice paper provides takes a look at the practice and on the ground results from the forest community of Engkangin in the buffer zone area of the Gunung Nyuit Nature Reserve, West Kalimantan, Indonesia implementing the community-led conservation approach facilitated by Planet Indonesia.
Key points
- Village conflict with government management authorities and unclear boundaries hinders securing tenure rights
- Community governance has helped improve co-management of forests inside the reserve, improve land management for agricultural pracrices and restore degraded land.
- Deforestation rates were reduced and significantly lower than control areas within the same landscape.
- SMART patrol encounter rates over a three year period also indicated a statistically significant reduction in illegal activities.
- Density estimates for two highly threatened species show stabilization to slight improvements in densities of the Abbott’s Gibbons and Helmeted Hornbill respectively.
- Livelihoods became more resilient with reduced farmer spending, increased yield, and the creation of a farmer mentoring program.
- Access to healthcare increased
Suggested citation
Planet Indonesia. (2021). Evidence in Practice Working Paper. (No. 2).
An evidence in practice paper providing a high-level overview of results from a community-led conservation approach facilitated by Planet Indonesia in the village of Engkangin in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
The term ‘integrated landscape initiative’ (ILI) has gained popularity as an ‘umbrella concept’ that describes projects that aim to explicitly improve food production, biodiversity conservation, and rural livelihoods on a landscape scale.
It describes approaches that consider the entire landscape, including its environmental, social, and economic aspects, by bringing together diverse stakeholders to manage land use in a way that balances competing needs, aiming for sustainable outcomes across the whole system, rather than focusing on isolated issues within the landscape.